DIY Denim whale tutorial

DIY Denim Whale

Thomas' whale

Hi there! I finally managed to translate the whale tutorial, thank you for your patience. I hope it is helpful for those who don't speak Finnish, or don't trust the Google translator. I'm sorry I also have to put up this disclaimer: It's OK to link back to this post, but it is not OK to copy all the photos and the tutorial, or translate it to another another language. Posting this as your own creation is even worse. Making whales for yourself or as gifts is ok, selling them or producing them commercially is so not OK. Would you be happy if you had this happen to something you made and shared on your blog? Didn't think so. Stealing just isn't nice.

Quite a few people have asked for instructions on how to make a denim whale, which was both flattering and terrifying – I'm pretty much hopeless at following (let alone making) patterns. But since Little Brother needed his own whale (some toys just cannot be shared), I decided to document the process. I never plan much beforehand, and the toy shapes up as I go. I'm afraid the following might be more confusing than helpful, but here goes. If you love tidy and neat sewing, please monitor your blood pressure:)

For a whale you need a leg from a pair of old jeans, a tiny bit of blue fabric for the eye, filling, sewing thread, a sewing machine and a little bit of patience.

1: Cut out the pieces

Start by cutting the pieces: 2 for the back, 2 for the belly, 2 for the tail, and 4 for the fins. Note that for the belly pieces the right side of fabric is the reverse side of the denim.

2: Shaping the side seam

The shape of the belly piece is copied from the back piece. As you can see, I draw straight onto the fabric with a red ballpoint pen.

3: Tail and fins

Sew the tail pieces together, turn inside out and add some decorative seams (I like to use a contrasting colour thread). Do the same with the fins.

4: Back seam

Sew the back seam.

5: Belly seams

Sew the decorative seams on the belly pieces on the reverse side of the fabric. The seams have to curve a bit, following the shape of the piece.

6: Side seams

Join the back and belly pieces together. Remember to insert the fins in between the seams.

7: Fin position

Turn the pieces to check the position of the fins. Don't pay attention to apple pieces left on the table by Big Brother.

8: Oops, fixing the shape of the back

At this point I noticed that the back is too chubby, so I added a new slimming seam.

9: Attaching the tail

Attach the tail to the back pieces. As you a see, it turned out slightly askew, but I chose to think of it as a piquant detail.

10: Eyes, step 1

Sew the eyes. You'll need a small piece of light blue fabric, which is handsewn with many tiny stitches. You could of course embroider the eyes, or buy them from a store, or use buttons, but I prefer this method. Also sew a seam which marks the mouth.

11: Eyes, step 2

Add a dot of black, and a tiny dot of white. Sewing thread is perfectly good for this.

12: Oops, reshaping the belly

Sew the belly seam, leave a gap for the filling. One notices the belly too is too chubby. A couple of decorative seams and the new belly seam help.

13: Ready for filling

Turn inside out, fill snuggly and hand sew the gap.

Thomas' whale

Tadah! The whale is finished!

Thomas' whale

Here are the whale brothers, top one belongs to Big Brother, one below to Little Brother. Similar, yet different, just like my boys.

Whale brothers

This picture probably says it all about our household.

Whale brothers

I'm not sure if this was helpful or not, but if you decide to make a whale, please let me know, I would love to see them!

470 kommenttia:

  1. Thank you so very much for this tutorial.
    The pictures make it very clear to follow.
    It is the most realistic whale pattern I have found.
    I am trying to make a Southern Right Whale.

    1. Thank you, Helen! I'd love to see how your whales turn out.

    2. About to start mine! Im drawing the pictures onto pattern paper. (Fingers crossed!)

  2. Thank you for posting this! These are utterly adorable.

  3. This is STUNNIG! I had to pin it on pinterest :) I had some trouble in doing that, this page doesn't want to be pinned! Will try to sew this sweetie soon, thanks again!

    1. Thanks! I've no idea why the images don't want to be pinned, sorry!

  4. Love love love this! So adorable.
    I found it on pinterest but it was not linked to you so I passed the correct link on to the people who I got it from. Hopefully they will do the same since you obviously deserve all the credit.

    If you ever make another it would be amazing if you could make a template for this. I'm hopelessly bad at getting the right proportions for things. I'm still going to attempt this either way! I just tossed two pair of old jeans last night but there is still time to save them!

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Thank you for the pinning credits, Nikita! I'm planning to make a few whales for sale, but templates... I'm pretty much hopeless when it comes to patterns, so I'm afraid my templates might be more confusing than helpful. Sorry!

  6. Hello! Thanks for posting this great design and tutorial, I made one and posted photos on my blog (and I linked it to you of course!). I'm not a creative person, but I'm good at following directions, so thanks for sharing your creative talent with others. It's inspirational!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, thank you for your kind words:) Your whale turned out very cute!

  7. Hi, I'm dying to make this for a friend who lives in did you make the pieces? Did you just free hand them or did you trace them from a picture??

    1. Hi Kerry! I drew them straight onto the fabric. This is my original design, so there is no picture to trace from:)

  8. i really liked your whale. so, here is my version of it: thanks a lot!

  9. Thank you so much for the tutorial in english! You are such a talented person! You children are so lucky to have such a creative mom. Kiitos paljon!

  10. Hi! I found the picture of your beautiful Blue Whales on Pinterest. I went to your blog and just knew I had to make this for my 5 year old son!!! His favorite animal in the whole world is a Blue Whale and he LOVES ocean stuff! I pretty disapointed at the time that you didn't have directions in English at the time (Jan.) however, you had such great step-by-step pictures that I was able to make him one. I think he turned out pretty well for being the first stuffed animal I have ever sewn and no English instructions! Please check out my blog Hoosier Girl to see the picture. (I couldn't figure out how to upload a pic, lol.) Thanks again for all your great ideas! He loved it! And now my other two boys want one too!

  11. Beautiful! Actually I found this a few months ago on a Chinese page. I shared it on Vingle ( ) but today I realized that it was yours. :( I changed the link to this page. :) Glad to see the original ! It's adorable!!

  12. love this! So adorable... do you up load the templates/molds??

    1. Thanks! There is no template, I draw straight onto the fabric, that way every whale I make is truly unique.

  13. I'm reaaaaaaly bad at drawing, but I'm dying to sew this one myself.. Oh how much I wish your whale had a pattern...

  14. Thank you for this idea and the photo instructions. I made this for my nephew and I know he will love his new whale at Christmas time. I will also tell him that it is a Finnish whale! :)
    Thank you again for sharing your creative project!

  15. Hi!
    Thank you so much for sharing this! My (almost 2 yrs old) son is obsessed with whales and I made him one, I love the real look like the one you presented. Check my blog to see how it turned out. Thanks again xx

    1. Hi Jessica, your whale looks great, thanks for sharing the link:)

  16. Hi! I love your whale. I read in one of the above comments that you might start making them. I'm so interested in buying! let me know if you'd like to sell me one. My email is

    1. Yes, I'm making them - I hope to set up a little shop before Christmas:)

  17. Also it looks like this American has copied and is selling them on etsy :(


  18. sooo pretty! You should sell these!

  19. sooo pretty! You should sell these!

  20. look what i have found today: and ...

    1. Oh dear, the nerve some people have. This just makes me sad.

  21. I used your idea and adapted it to make a whale with a mouth that opens and is held closed with magnets. It has a pouch at the back of the throat so that it can "eat" little toys (my son loves the Jonah and the whale story!) I have to admit it doesn't look quite as good, but I'm sure it will be appreciated by my son who is about to turn 4. Thank you so much for the inspiration!

  22. I did it ! thanks you fo this great tuto !

  23. Tahnk you, Rachel and Chloedesgarrigues! Glad you liked the tuto:)

  24. HI Vastaa,
    The denim whale is awesome! i love it so much and i shall like to try making it one day! Thank you so much for sharing it and you are so talented, i love going through your blog( unfortunately dont understand the non-english language) enjoyed your art pieces. Good luck with your shop and happy living everyday!
    love, gale

  25. Thank you for your kind words, Gale:)

  26. thank you for your sharing, i've done the whale for my niece ;-) your blog is absolutely wonderfull

  27. Thank you for the pattern, I enjoyed a lovely Sunday making this : )

  28. I just made a whale! Thank you so much for the tutorial. He's a bit portly- but, as they say, all's well that ends whale! ;)

  29. I found your post months ago and made a whale before the post was translated so I did a few things differently. I have since made all my friends children one! They are a big hit at birthday parties! Thank you so much for the tutorial!

  30. Hard to see whether you've been credited here...

  31. This is amazing, thank you so much!!! I have been looking at ways to make gifts for my kids with no money this year and this whale is a winner for sure!!!

  32. Bonjour, pour une vente au profil de l'association "Je-ted-aller à l'école" j'aurais souhaité réaliser votre baleine. Cependant comme il s'agit d'une vente, je souhaiterai savoir si vous m'autorisez à vendre cette réalisation.
    lien de la vente :
    Votre site sera mis en lien dans la description de la peluche.
    Merci de votre réponse,
    PS : excusez mon anglais (google translate)

    Hello, for sale to the profile of the association "-ted-I go to school" I wish make your whale. However, as it is a sale, I would like to know if you allow me to sell this achievement.
    link sale:
    Your site will be linked in the description of the plush.
    Thank you for your reply,
    PS: excuse my english (google translate)

    1. Hi Mokkona, please contact me via email (address is on the sidebar).

  33. I made one today for a friend of mine who is a marine biologist. I hope she'll love it in her classroom! Thanks for a great tutorial.

  34. Thank you very much, my wife and I made a whale for my niece. It looks pretty cool. We used another kind of fabric and attached the tail in a different way. Regards and thanks a lot again.

    1. Such a sweet little whale, I'm sure your niece will love it:)

  35. I'ts very original!! I like a lot this whale ;). I post you in our blog with links to your blog and saying that you are the author of this creation. So some spanish people will know about you and your whale... I hope every think is ok with this ;)

  36. Ah! You can visit the post here:

  37. Thank you for this tutorial, I had great fun making my Mum a whale and I wrote about it on my blog at

  38. Thank you, Jordi, Cloudy Stitches and Joanne!

  39. Thank you for this! I am making two for my grandchildren

  40. I made one! And I love it. You can check out some pics on my blog: It was fun to sew! I did the belly a little different, I sewed the decorative seams on the right side of the fabric so they would stand out more, I love the effect. These are beautiful and realistic whales. I JUST LOVE WHALES. Sorry, they are my favorite animal! Thanks so much for the tutorial.

    1. No worries, I love whales too! Glad you liked the tutorial.

  41. Hello ! Since about 30 minutes I'm trying to find the Pattern, for this amazing Wale. In Juli my Son hast got his 3. birthday and he wants to have a big big Wale…So can you help me to find the Pattern? Or is it without a Pattern?
    Giusi from Cologne/ Germany

    1. Hi Giusi, there is no pattern, I always draw straight onto the fabric, make it up as I go.

  42. Thank you so much for sharing the pattern. I learned to sew just so I could make one for my (now) girlfriend. She loved it!

  43. Hi, your tutorial is great! I'm a teacher and want to do a recycling project with some students, would you mind if finished whales were auctioned/ raffled to raise money for charity by the children?

  44. Hi! I found your tutorial and with a little help from mama who's better at sewing that I am, I made a whale!! I made it a bit more chubby than yours, and also way bigger, it's 63cm long :) thanks for this amazing idea and tutorial!
    here it is, if you want to take a look:

  45. Your whale is so inspiring and beautiful! I'm about to start my own attempt this weekend for my baby boy. ��

  46. Thank you for this great pattern! I made a whale two years ago, and just now I made two new whales for my little cousins, it's a success! Here they are:

    Thanks again! /Madeleine

  47. You're welcome! I really liked your whales, they had loads of personality:)

  48. Hello! I made a whale following your tutorial (you can see it here: It doesn't look quite the same as yours but I like it!
    Thank you very much for sharing the tutorial. It was very helpful, and I admire how you imagined such a complicated and beautiful plushie!

  49. Thank you so much for posting this, I loved it. I am going to try and make my whale, haha I have tons of ragged jeans!
    when I am done I will post a picture back I promise.

  50. Thank you so much! I fell head over heels in love with this whale the moment I saw it - I made one for some friends who had their first baby this spring and he loves it too :)

  51. I made these for my niece and nephew for christmas, this tutorial is amazing! Here's one of my whales:

    I have had friends ask me to make them for them and was wondering what your policy is for selling whales made with this tutorial. Thanks!

    1. A clear manga influence on your whale:)

      Making whales for yourself or as gifts is ok, selling them or producing them commercially is not OK.

  52. ammmmazing! i made a whale myself with your DIY tutorial. thanks for share this awesome tutorial. and this is my whale. i call him 'Mr. Nani Gorae'. Gorae means 'Whale' in Korean:)

  53. I can't wait to make some whale friends. Thank you so much for the tutorial!!

  54. hi! I'm Anna fom italy, thank you for your tutorial, i'd love to make a whale for my there a pattern for the whale to download...thank you for your help :)

  55. What a great idea - I loved your whales the first moment I saw them but have only just got round to finding a reason to make some of my own.
    Thank you for sharing - I have linked to your post from mine which I hope is okay with you.

  56. I made this for my nephew and he loves it. I'll try to get a picture the next time I see him.

    Also, I saw this on etsy and I thought if I were you I would like to be told about it. It's not just similar it looks like the same pattern to me.

  57. Thanks for this tutorial! I can't wait to try it out.

  58. Great design, I love it! I made one of these for my daughter, along with a Polymer Clay snail for her book "The Snail and the Whale" - here it is:

  59. Do you have a link to the template pieces? I'd love to make one!

    1. I'm sorry, I don't - I prefer to make truly unique pieces, so I always just draw on the fabric. But I think you get a pretty good idea from the photos.

  60. Thank you so much for this tutorial! I made two: one in blue like yours and one in white denim. My Moby Dick. :)

  61. Hi! Thanks so much for the tutorial! i made 2, but mine looks more like an amphibian shark or a seal, not like yours haha! Not everybody can improvise himself as a whale expert ^^ you can find my post there: I translated it in english so that you can understand too ^^

  62. I love whale ,It*s so lovely !! Thank you very much ~~

  63. Wow, ini artikel yang saya cari. terima kasih ya. sangat menginspirasi tulisan saya tentang cara mudah menyusun instrumen penelitian yang baik dan benar dalam blog saya tipepedia. maen maen di blog saya juga ya :D. artikel bener keren

  64. Thanks for the tutorial. Had an idea that I would make it large enough to use as a TV. or movie at home pillow.

  65. I love this Whale pattern! The style is so good! Thank you very much!

  66. Thanks so much for posting this project! I found it after I saw your whale shared online. I didn't know there was a tutorial, so I just referred to your picture. My nephew loves his new friend! I shared on Instagram, and will link back to your post.

  67. There is a Balkan villapaita hash tag on Instagram with whales people made by following your instructions!

  68. Thank you for sharing. Here are my whales, if you are interested:

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  70. Thank you for the tutorial! I made a whale of my own:

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  74. Thank you for this wonderful, easy to follow tutorial! I had fun following your steps to make my own whale:

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  76. This whale is adorable. I'm not much of a seamstress but I think I will attempt this. My Daughter is expecting her first child in June I think she would love this. Thank you so much for the instructions

  77. Your whale is so adorable! I absolutely love whales and this is such a cute, unique interpretation. Thank you for sharing your work, the instructions and the English translation. Kind Regards from Texas, US.

  78. Thank you so much for this tutorial, I just made a whale for one of my nephews and it turned out great! I'm now about to try and make a squid toy for my other nephew (they are twins). thanks again!

  79. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing this wonderful idea. I will be able to make a gift for a dear friend that I am proud of and I was able to afford. I'm sorry you were burned on people inappropriately sharing, but very grateful to you!

  80. Thank you for the translation. I dont even know a little bit of finnish. Thanks for letting us make this as a gift. There is a baby that is getting a whale tomorrow. instead of something expensive from the shops!

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  82. Kirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.

  83. I would like to make the Whale but I am not such a good drawer and have trouble with only a picture so I was wondering if somebody made a pattern for the whale that I can use. If somebody can help me than please! Thank you already. :-)

  84. Thank you'¡¡¡ I love it¡¡¡
    Muchas Gracias¡¡ Lo Ame¡¡
    Hello fron Chile

  85. Thank you soo much, my son (and I) loves his, and it was so easy and fun to make, even though Im not an experienced seamstress.

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  87. Thank you for this awesome tutorial! I love it, making for my nephew for Christmas :)

  88. Hi I saw this on my Pinterest board and I knew this would be perfect for my recycle project for school I will send you the pictures of my whale when I'm done and finished!!!! Thanks for the great creation!!

  89. Look at this: . )=

  90. I made one:d
    I used black buttons instead of eyes. It looks like a blue, long frog though:D

  91. I've made a whale for our 3rd baby boy due soon. Thank you for the tutorial.

  92. Hey there, I see there are many versions of your denim whale already :-) Here's mine if you're still curious...

  93. I thank you for this tutorial.
    You can see my "balum" here.

    "Balum" will be the mascot of my van trips. "Balum" is whale in breton.

  94. Incredible! Was wondering what to make with these wrangler legs I've got. This will be perfect for my baby niece :o) Thank you for sharing!

  95. Love this project! Hopefully you can see the photo in the link:

  96. Tämä on minun ensimmäinen yritys denim valaan ompelemisessa.

  97. Olá Ficou incrível seu trabalho gostaria de faze-lo, por gentileza seria possível você me ceder o molde do trabalho?

  98. Hi Mevrouw. Since years I wanted to sew your wonderful denim whale. Now it's done ( Thanks for your idea!!

  99. Just wanted to say thank you for this FANTASTIC post and idea. I've made my own pieces inspired by yours and have sewn three whales already with plans for more! I love this project so much :) THANK YOU!!!

  100. Is this your channel? If not, then you should let her know that she copied this blog post EXACTLY.

  101. Here is another person who copies your design. She gives you credit in her blog, so that is ok. But she is selling them in her Etsy shop which is not ok, especially when she directly copies from you.

  102. So beautiful and such a helpful and funny description. Thank you!

  103. So beautiful and VERY helpful !!! Great site !!!

  104. I thought you might want to know that someone is selling these as their own creation on etsy:

  105. Such an awesome idea. Wonderful pattern. Love this little craft DIY tutorial.

  106. Hey! I recently met your blog, and i only want to say that since now i’m following you, you’re fantastic, so trend. And this idea it's fabulous! Gunmetal 

  107. Thanks so much for the pattern! I made one for my boyfriend's cousin's child for his birthday and he loved it.

  108. So cute! Such an excellent diy tutorial. Thanks for share.

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  110. Hyvää päivää !

    Thanks a lot for this great tutorial, I wanted to have a stuffed whale for a long time, but couldn't find the "right" one, you know ? When I saw yours, it was perfect ! :D I love how everyone's whale turn out to be the same yet different. Here is mine :

    Thank you again, have a good day !

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  112. oooopss!! That is soo creative. I have also written on Recycling Your Favorite Pair of Jeans! but I didn't think about creating a fish from jeans in my dreams even. Thumbs Up!

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  114. Hi,

    Just wanted to thank you for this great idea and tutorial. I'm a fan of whales, and so is my little 3 yr-old. I just finished a whale for him, which he received after coming back from a stay at the hospital - a most welcome gift idea. Thank you!

  115. Kirjoittaja on poistanut tämän kommentin.

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